Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How to establish a balance between SL and RL

This topic keeps me busy for a while now. Can we and how can we establish a balance between these two lifes? How much SL can it be while staying balanced? I met a lot of people, talked with them, heard a lot of problems and I was able to compare each others circumstances and my situation. I think we should begin to accept that there doesnt exist a second independent life. This all is our first and only life. We dont get extra time for the second life, we are not and first of all others in SL are not independent to RL. What we do affects us and others. What we do is a escape in a world of phantasy and selfdeception wich makes us think we could find there real happiness and a better life.
SL can have a real benefit. The friendships I found there are real. Even this a sign that it is one life we are talking about. I learned that there doesnt exist THE way to use SL. It is allways highly individual. Some establish a good balance between SL and RL with spending every day 10 hours in SL, others get lost with this amount of time there. When I was in SL I was never able to establish a good working balance. My life in RL is too full of .. life. Nearly every hour I spent there was one hour too much. And I was heavily addicted . I knew I can only establish something like a balance when the point of balance is outside SL, wich means NOT to spend time there. The way to recognize this and first of all to find a way out was quite long.
A certain feeling of saturation for some months now enabled me to do this step.
I fear not for everybody will it be that easy.
Maybe what can help you is the following:

I see now what I forgot, what I unlearned. I have to learn again to use my freetime not in SL. I have to learn to use my free time for sports or hobbies. Suddenly my productivity raises and what can I do with this? From my todays point of view it seems to me that I was buried for more than one year.

Thanks god - life has me back.
I hope YOU will never experience this.

I wish you allways safe paths. Take care not to become addicted to anything or everybody.
I love you

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